Questions and Answers

for Game Maker 3.3


Last Changed: February 15, 2001


Many users of Game Maker have asked questions on how to do certain things. The forum is the best place to do this. Here I collect some of the questions and answers that are useful.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 1

Moving Around 2

How do I make a person jump? 2

And what about ladders? 2

How to move to a particular cell (tile)? 3

How do I shoot towards an object? 3

How do I move towards another object? 3

How do I add gravity to my game? 3

How can I push objects around in my game? 3

Special Objects 4

How do I make a teleporter? 4

How do I make an object invisible? 4

How do I make sure certain objects lie in front of other objects? 5

How do I create a delay between shots? 5

How can I give an object multiple appearances? 5

Lives, Health, Score and Timers 6

How do I make a timer? 6

How do I give the player multiple lives? 6

How do I give an object health and display it? 7

Interaction 7

How can I make the game react to two simultaneous key presses? 7

How can I make the game react only once to a mouse press. 7

How can my game react to the joystick? 7

Making the Game Look Nicer 7

How do I show the score in the playing area and not in the caption? 8

How do I create full-screen games? 8

How do I make a more fancy help screen? 8

How do I create my own cursor 8

Images and Sound 9

Can I use mp3 sound files in my games? 9

How do I create a scrolling background? 9

Where do I find images and backgrounds? 9

Where do I find sounds and background music? 9

Clever Code 10

How can I do something with one instance of an object instead of all? 10

Can I define functions in the programming language? 10

Distributing Games 11

How do I make an installer for my game? 11

How can I change the icon of a stand-alone game? 11

Can I add a help file to my game? 11

How do I create a nice image when the game is loading? 12

Miscellaneous 12

How do I link to a web site from within a game? 12

How to pause a game while playing? 12

How do I let the player save the game and continue later? 12

How do I make my games faster? 13

How do I place my object more precisely? 13

In what order are the events processed? 13


Moving Around

Here are some tips on how to move objects around in particular ways.

How do I make a person jump?

In platform games a standard feature is that characters can jump. Jumping is actually not the problem, landing is. Also there is the problem with interfacing the horizontal movement and the vertical movement. Here is a way to make a reasonably natural jump. You can check out the platform game demo in the games section of the web site. This only works in version 3.2 and later!

In the creation event of the person set the gravity in direction 270 (down) and the amount to e.g. 1. This means that whenever the person is in free air it will start falling down. We will use the space key for jumping. In the space key event first check whether the position below the person contains a solid object. To this end check whether the relative position (0,2) creates a collision. In this case, set the motion to direction 90 (upwards) and speed to e.g. 12. This creates the jump.


Now the landing, and this is crucial. In the collision event put the following code:
This function moves the person out of the object with which it collides. This guarantees that we end exactly on the floor and not a little bit above it. Next we set the speed to 0 to stop falling further.

For the horizontal motion, when the left key is pressed check whether relative position (-4,0) is empty and if so, move there. Similar for the right key.

And what about ladders?

OK, now let us add ladders. Ladders must be non-solid objects. You cannot jump while on a ladder and you should not fall down. Also you should be able to jump when you are on the top of the ladder. Use the ideas above and add the following.


In the space key event first check whether at relative position (0,0) we meet a ladder. In this case exit the event. If at relative position (0,2) we meet the ladder, we also jump. In the up and down key event, check whether we are meeting a ladder at relative position (0,2) and if so check whether the position we want to go to is free and if so, go there. (We must check position (0,2) otherwise you can never go down at the top of a ladder.)


Now the more difficult part. In the step event we check whether we meet a ladder at relative position (0,0). In this case we set the speed to 0. (W should not fall down anymore.) Also we check whether at relative position (0,2) we meet the ladder and, if so we set the gravity to 0. Otherwise we set it to 1.


That is all. B.t.w. you can use the ladder object also to maker ropes you can hang on (also horizontal below a floor).

How to move to a particular cell (tile)?

To keep objects aligned on the cell you might want to move to a particular cell, e.g. the fourth cell in the third row. To do this use the "move to a position" action and as (absolute) values use 3*cellsize and 2*cellsize. (Note that you must subtract 1 from the numbers because the top left cell lies at position 0,0.)

How do I shoot towards an object?

In some game you want to have one object, say a monster, shoot in the direction of another object, say a person. This can be achieved by using the following piece of code in the creation event of the bullet. (This only works in version 3.1 and later.)




8 is the speed. The monster simply creates a bullet at its own position. (This assumes that bullet and person have the same size. If not, you might have to change the position to move towards a bit.)


Of course this only works if you can shoot in arbitrary direction. In a maze you probably only want to shoot horizontally or vertically. In this case you should determine the best direction by checking whether the horizontal or vertical distance to the person is larger. E.g. use the following code:


if (abs(person.x- x) < abs(person.y- y))

{ hdir = sign(person.x ? x); vdir = 0;}


{ vdir = sign(person.y ? y); hdir = 0;}

speed = 8;


We use the sign function to set the appropriate direction to ?1 or +1.

How do I move towards another object?

See the answer above on how to shoot towards a person.

How do I add gravity to my game?

Assume you want to add gravity to your game. So objects should fall down. The speed with which they fall should increase every step. First give the objects a downward direction but, at the start, set the vertical speed to 0. Now set the gravity with direction 270 and amount 0.25. When the object hits the floor it should either set the vertical speed to 0 or reverse the vertical direction. Now whenever there is no floor below an object, it will start falling down with increasing speed. (See the Falling Balls demo for an example.) This works very well for platform games.

How can I push objects around in my game?

In a number of games you want one object to push another object. This can be achieved as follows. Assume the pushing object is called person and the object to be pushed is call block. Now in the meeting event of the block with the person (so not in the meeting event of the person!) put the following code


newx = x + other.x - other.xprevious;

newy = y + other.y ? other.yprevious;

if is_free(newx,newy)


x = newx;

y = newy;




other.x = other.xprevious;

other.y = other.yprevious;



The reason this works is as follows. other.x - other.xprevious is the amount the other object, that is the person, moved in this step in the horizontal direction. So we simply copy this motion for the block. Obviously with a test whether this position is free. If the new position is not free we don't move the block and we place the person back to its previous location.


For your particular game you might need to change this a bit. For example, you might want to use an is_empty() test rather than an is_free() test. You can also set the speed to that of the other object to make the block keep moving.


Special Objects

Here are some tips on making certain types of objects that you often need.

How do I make a teleporter?

Teleporters are object that move the player from one place to the other. They come in pairs. When the main character in the game (or some other character) hits one of them, it should be transferred to the other. There are two problems when creating teleporters: how to find the other teleporter where the person must go to, and how to avoid that the person moves immediately back again. Let me give an example of how this can be done. We assume the person object is the one that moves around (and that there is only one such object). Let there be two instances of the object teleporter. In the creation event of the teleporter set a variable canteleport to true. Put the following piece of code in the meeting event of the teleporter and the person (it is easier to put it here!)


if (!canteleport) exit; // teleporter is not working

forall (teleporter)


if (!is_meeting(x,y,other)) // when it is the other one


other.x = x; // move the person

other.y = y;

canteleport = false; // make the teleporter not working





That is it. When the teleporter is working we look at all teleporters to find one that does not intersect the person. We put the person there and make that teleporter not working. If you want to be able to use the teleporter later again you can use the following piece of code in the step event of the teleporter:


if (!is_meeting(x,y,other))


canteleport = true;



So at the moment the person moves off the teleporter it is made working again.

How do I make an object invisible?

In some game you want to have invisible objects, like switches that trigger something or invisible wall that block your movement. Don't do this by giving an object no image!. An object without an image has 0 size and won't generate collision or meeting events! So you never know that something bumped into it. So give it an image that has the right shape. Now in its creation event use the code


visible = false;


Or, even easier, use the action to set a variable for this. That is all. Alternatively, you can put the Exit action in the drawing event of the object. Once there is something in the drawing event the image is no longer drawn.

How do I make sure certain objects lie in front of other objects?

In a number of cases, you might want objects to move over other objects. Objects are drawn in the order in which they are added to the room. So make sure that you add the objects that should go on top last. If you create objects during the game, this does not work. In this case you can use the variable image_depth. It indicates the depth of the object. The object with smallest image_depth lies on top. Default the image depth is 0. So to put something in front, give it a negative image depth. You can cange the image depth using the action to set a variable. Best do this in the creation event.


But what if you need two objects on top of each other at the start? There is a very simple way to solve this problem. In the Options menu in the room form, indicate that you allow objects on top of each other. Now place them in the correct order in the cell. (Make sure you switch of the option immediately once you are done because you very easily make mistakes with this.

How do I create a delay between shots?

Sometimes you want things to happen not too often. For example, when the player can shoot bullets, you don?t want new bullets to appear in every step. You want a delay between them. Here is a simple way to do this. Assume the object that does the shooting is the person and that the object he shoots is a bullet. In the creation event of the person put the following code


canshoot = true;


(You can also use the action to set a variable for this.) In the alarm event for alarm0 put the same piece of code. In the event that shoots the bullet, e.g. the event for the space key, put the following code:


if (canshoot)


canshoot = false;

alarm0 = 10;




So we only create a bullet when we can shoot. At this moment canshoot is set to false. After 10 steps the alarm event will set it back to true, so another shot can be fired. You can vary the value for alarm0 to get a different delay. B.t.w. you can also do this without code, just using standard actions. Delays are useful for many other things as well.

How can I give an object multiple appearances?

In some games you have objects that should have a different appearance (image) in certain situations, but should have the same behavior. For example, in Pacman, the image looks different depending on the direction of motion. To this end you can create multiple copies of the same object with a different image and for the rest the same behavior, but this is a lot of work. Using the drawing event you can solve this problem in a much easier way. You create separate objects with the different images but without any behavior. There is just one active object. In the drawing event put some code to draw the correct image, depending on the situation. For example, for the Pacman game the drawing code could look as follows:


if (hdir < 0) draw_image(x,y,pacleft)

else if (hdir > 0) draw_image(x,y,pacright)

else if (vdir < 0) draw_image(x,y,pacup)

else if (vdir > 0) draw_image(x,y,pacdown)

else draw_image(x,y,self);


If the image is not animated, you can also use sub images for this and choose the right sub image by setting the variable image_index (0 is the first image!).


Lives, Health, Score and Timers

Here are some tips dealing with issues like lives, health, etc.

How do I make a timer?

Sometimes you want to give a player limited time. In this case you want to create some visible counter. This is easy to do. Let us assume we want to give the player 1 minute, that is, have a counter that counts down in seconds from 60 to 0.


Make an object called e.g. countdown. In its creation event, set a variable called e.g. thecounter to 60. Set the normal alarm to gamespeed to make sure we get seconds. In the alarm event check whether thecounter is equal to 0 (in this case we do something). Otherwise set variable thecounter relative to -1 and again set the alarm to gamespeed. If you want to draw the counter, in the drawing event draw a text


'timer: ' + string(thecounter)


And that is all.

How do I give the player multiple lives?

Many games have multiple lives. This can be achieved as follows. Create an object called e.g. life_object. Make sure there is a copy of this object in every room. In its creation event we set the number of lives to a particular value (but only in the first room). For this we use a global variable global.lives:


if (room==1) global.lives = 3;


You can also use standard actions for this. In its drawing event draw the text


'Lives: ' + string(global.lives)


Now when the person dies you check whether global.lives is 0. If so, the game ends. Otherwise, decrease global.lives. So you e.g. use the following code:


if ( global.lives == 0)






global.lives -= 1;

// do something. e.g. start the room again




To show the number of lives in a nicer way, you give the life_object a nice image. Give it the following code in the drawing event:



xx = string_width('Lives:') + 10 + 24*global.lives;

while (xx >= 0)



xx -= 24;



This draws a number of copies of the object next to each other, each representing a life.

How do I give an object health and display it?

Assume there is some object (like the main object or an enemy) that you want to give a certain health. The first thing is to give it a variable e.g. called health and set it to 1 in the creation event using the " set variable" action. Whenever something happens to the object, decrease a bit from the health. When it becomes < 0 do something (e.g. end the game). You can also check this in the step event of the object itself.

Now in the drawing event of the object first of all draw the image of the object, using the appropriate action. Next put the following piece of code:


You might need to change the value of 32 and maybe change the y position. Also you can change the pen width with set_pen_size(3) to make it a bit clearer.



Interaction with the player is an important aspect of games. Here are some tips.

How can I make the game react to two simultaneous key presses?

When the player presses e.g. the left and up key you might want to let the ball move diagonally to the left top. From version 3.1 onwards this is extremely easy. In the keyboard event for the up key set the y-position relative to e.g. ?8 and in the keyboard event for the left key set the x-position relative to ?8. If the player holds both keys, both things will happen. If you want the motion to continue after the player releases the keys, in the up key event set the variable vdir to ?1 using the action to set variables. In the left key event set variable hdir to ?1.

How can I make the game react only once to a mouse press.

Normally, mouse events are generated as long as the player keeps the mouse button pressed. For example, a simple way to cheat in the Catch the Dog game is to keep the mouse button pressed while moving the mouse to the dog. To avoid this, in the Game Options, switch of the continuous mouse events. Now the player will have to release the mouse button and press it again.

How can my game react to the joystick?

Though this might not be obvious, the program actually has joystick support. Movements of the joystick create keyboard events <NUMPAD>1 to <NUMPAD>9 as in the numeric keypad. The four buttons generate keyboard events for the letters A, B, C and D. Let some object in your game react to these events and you are done. You can actually use the joystick in the provided Pacman game.


Making the Game Look Nicer

Obviously, you want your game to look as nice as possible. This involves first of all the use of nice backgrounds and object images, preferably animated. Here are some other issues.

How do I show the score in the playing area and not in the caption?

Scores are normally displayed in the window caption. If you want to make the layout of your game a bit more fancy, you might prefer to put the score somewhere in the playing area itself. This can be done as follows. First of all, in the options form, indicate that the score should not be shown. Now make an object that is going to display the score. Give it an icon to be able to place it when designing rooms, but this is not important cause we are not going to draw it. Instead, in the drawing event place an action to draw text. Use the following text:


'score: ' + string(score)


Because it starts with a quote it is interpreted as a formula. The function string converts the score value to a string. That is all. You might want to choose a more fancy font, size, style and color for it using a font action.

How do I create full-screen games?

As you probably know the player can switch from windowed games to full screen games using the <F4> key. Full screen games tend to look more professional. You can achieve this directly by checking the appropriate box in the options form. You might also want to hide the cursor and the score, and use your own score object as indicated above. Finally, make sure that your rooms have a proportion 4x3 such that they will fill the whole screen.

How do I make a more fancy help screen?

I can imagine that you find the standard game help facility too boring for you game. To improve this, make a special room, with e.g. a nice background picture for the help, and maybe some moving objects on it. Let us assume this is room number 2. In the Game options, uncheck the help key box. Now for some object in your game, e.g. the controller if you have one, put the following piece of code in the event for the F1 key





In the help room put a special object that in its step event does something like:


if (lastkeypressed != 0) load_game('tempgame');


That is all. When the user pressed the F1 key the game situation is saved and the help room is shown. When the player presses any key there, he is returned to the saved game situation. (This works only in version 3.1 or later.)

How do I create my own cursor

Wouldn?t it be nice to replace the dull cursor by some nice (animate) creation of your own? This is very easy to achieve. Create an object with the right image. Make is non-solid but active. In the create event put the following code:



image_depth = -1000;


The first line makes the normal cursor invisible (you can also do this in the options form). The second line makes sure that the new cursor lies on top of everything else. In the step event put the following piece of code:


x = mousex-16;

y = mousey-16;


This puts your mouse image at the correct place (the ?16 works for a 32x32 image with the important spot in the center. If you have a different sized image or want the hotspot of the cursor to be somewhere else, change these values).


Finally, make sure every room has one of your cursor objects in it. Best do this for full screen games.


Images and Sound

Games require images and sounds. Here are some tips.

Can I use mp3 sound files in my games?

Yes you can although the dialog boxes to add sounds and to make a list of background music don't show the files by default. But you can always indicate that you want to see all files and then pick the mp3 files. There are though a couple of things you should be aware of. First of all, not all systems support the playback of mp3 files. In particular some older systems don't support it. Secondly, to play m3 files streaming audio is used. To this end DirectShow must me installed on the computer (if not mp3 files are still played but with the limitations that only one file can be played at a time, no sound effects are possible, and they cannot be used together with midi files). Again, quite some people don't have that. Finally, mp3 files must be decoded. This takes computer time slowing your game down, in particular at the start of playing.


In summary I recommend you to use mp3 files only if you don't want to distribute your games widely, and only use them for long pieces of sound or music. Other wise, you better convert them to wav files and use them instead.

How do I create a scrolling background?

Scrolling backgrounds are a nice way of adding a feeling of motion to your games. You can use them to e.g. have a plane fly forward while avoiding objects (and shooting other planes), to have a car drive over a road, etc. Make sure some other objects move with the same speed as the background, to increase the illusion. For smooth scrolling, make sure the background picture can nicely be tiled. You can also use a big background picture, e.g. a long road.


You can set the moving speed when creating the room, but you can also control the speed during the game using pieces of code. This makes it possible to e.g. leave an object in the middle of the room but have the world move when you press an arrow key.

Where do I find images and backgrounds?

If you cannot find the images or backgrounds you like in the provided collections, the best way is to search the web. On the web huge collections of free images, backgrounds, animations, etc, are available. To get you started, here are some of the sites that store such material:



These sites again have many further links.

Where do I find sounds and background music?

If you cannot find the sounds you like in the provided collections or you want some nice midi background music, the best way is to search the web. On the web huge collections of free sounds and midi files are available. To get you started, here are some of the sites that store such material:


Wave Files:



Midi Files:



These sites again have many further links.

Clever Code

Using variables and code makes Game Maker much more powerful. It is really not difficult and you are highly recommended to spend some time on it, in particular the use of variables. here are some more advanced tips.

How can I do something with one instance of an object instead of all?

Sometimes you want to have one instance of an object do something rather than all. For example, when you hit a button one door should open or one bomb should explode. This is not trivial because when you indicate an object in an action, the action applies to all objects of thi stype. Let me demonstrate how to do this using the following example: We have two objects called whiteball and redball. When the player touches a red ball, a white ball should turn red. To this end put the following piece of code in the meeting event:

  forall (whiteball)
This changes the first white ball into a red ball and then exits the code so the other white balls stay the same. If you want a random white ball to turn red, you can do this as follows:
  while (true)
    forall (whiteball)
      if (random(100)<1)
It loops forever until a white ball is turned red (with a small chance) after which it exits. (You should actually check whether there are any white balls otherwise the loop loops forever.) A similar approach can be used in many other situations.

Can I define functions in the programming language?

The built-in programming language does not allow you to define functions. But there is a trick to do it. Make an active, non-solid object called e.g. function_xxx. In its creation event put the piece of code that you want to use as a function. Also, put in it an action to kill itself. Now to call the function in another piece of code, use




That will do the trick. When creating the object, the creation event is executed which contains the code that you want to be executed. Because the creation events destroys the object again it is immediately gone. You can pass parameters through global variables.


Distributing Games

You obviously want to distribute your games once they are ready. Globally speaking there are three ways to do this:

Here are some further tips.

How do I make an installer for my game?

Most programs are nowadays distributed with so-called installers. You execute some setup program which installs the program on your computer. An item is added to the start menu and there is also often an uninstaller to remove the program again.


Creating such an installer is very easy. First of all you need to create a stand-alone version of your game using the appropriate menu item in Game Maker. Next you need an install creation program. Many such programs are available on the web for free. Here are some of the more popular ones:

Each has its own way of working so carefully check the doc.

How can I change the icon of a stand-alone game?

You cannot do this from within Game Maker. Instead you need a tool to change the resources of the program after you created the stand-alone game. One such program is called Resource Hacker. It is free and you can download it from (I did not try it and don't take any responsibility.)

Can I add a help file to my game?

The standard help mechanism for games simply shows the information file you create. You might though want to do something more serious, like showing a real help file or a html file. This can be done as follows: Create the help file, e.g. game.hlp. Place this file, together with the game.cnt file (if you have created that as well) in the data folder fort he game. In the game options uncheck the line "Let <F1> show the help file". Now make sure you have some controller object in each room. In its <F1> keyboard event put the following piece of code




And the file will be shown. (Due to a bug in Game Maker version 3.0 this won't work for the <F1> key except in the stand-alone version of the game but you can use another key. This will be corrected in version 3.1.)


You can use exactly the same approach for compiled html help files (*.chm) or html files (*.htm or *.html) and actually any other file you want to show.


The program won't be stopped if you do this. An easy way to achieve this is to pause the game, as shown below. Alternatively, you can use the function execute() but in this case you will have to do some more work in writing your own little program to display the help file.

How do I create a nice image when the game is loading?

When you create a stand-alone version of your game you might want to show some nice image while the game is loading (rather than the boring default image. This is extremely easy. Create an image and call it loadimage.bmp. Place it in the game_data folder and you are done.



Here are some miscellaneous tips and tricks.

How do I link to a web site from within a game?

To this end you can use the function shellexecute(file,args) . This passed the file parameter with the arguments to the shell. If the file type is known by the shell it performs the associated open action. E.g. doc files typically open word, html files typically open the browser, executables are executed, etc. You cannot wait for it to finish. file and arg must be strings. The file must be located in the game data. Note that this cannot be used to open a web page directly on a particular site. You cannot give the routine a web address.

If you want to give the option to connect to a web site you can create a web document that redirects to the page you want and place that in the _data folder.

For example, use the following document which we name web.htm and place it in the data folder for the game:

<TITLE>Web page</TITLE>

Now create a piece of code




and that is all.

How to pause a game while playing?

An easy way to do this is to have some object in your game (e.g. the controller object or the main character) have an event, e.g. for the P key that show a message. As message text you can use "Game Pause.#Press OK to continue." (Note that the # symbol means going to a new line.) As long as the message is shown, the game will be paused.

How do I let the player save the game and continue later?

From version 3.1 onwards this is extremely easy. First of all, the player can always do this using the <F5> key for saving, and the <F6> key for loading. (You can switch this off in the options form.) If you want to control it from your game you simply use the following two pieces of code. To save the game use:




And to load it use:




You can obviously use any other file name for saving and loading, you can even ask the player for a file name.

How do I make my games faster?

People always like their games to be as fast as possible. Here are some hints on how to achieve this:

How do I place my object more precisely?

If you want to position your objects more precisely in the room, set the cell size to half the actual object size. Now you can place objects at many more places. (You can also make objects partially overlap this way.)

In what order are the events processed?

In some cases it is important to know the order in which the events in the game are being processed. This order is as follows:

1.        Handle the alarm events.

2.        Handle the keyboard and mouse events.

3.        Handle the step events.

4.        Set each active object in its new position, based on speed and direction of motion.

5.        Handle the other events.

6.        Handle the collision events until no collisions occur anymore (when a collision occurs, the object is put back into its previous position to let the event change the motion after which it is moved again). If there is still a collision after the number of tries indicated in the options form, the program gives up and leaves the object at its previous position. (The default number of tries is 1 but this can be changed in the options form.)

7.        Handle the meeting events.